How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (2024)

How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (1)

Joshua Hardwick

Head of Content @ Ahrefs (or, in plain English, I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is EPIC).

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    If you want the content creation process to run smoothly and to produce content that moves the needle, you need a content plan that aligns with your strategy.

    In this guide, you’ll learn how to create a content plan in six easysteps.

    But first, let’s make sure we’re on the samepage…

    What is content planning?

    Content planning is the process of deciding what you’ll publish and when. It’s important for keeping everyone and everything on track and for prioritizing content in a way that makes sense for your content strategy.

    For example, there are thousands of SEO-related topics we could write blog postsabout.

    Just look at how many Search Engine Journal has published:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (3)

    It’d take us years to publish this many posts, so we need to prioritize the ones that make the most sense forus.

    This is why we need a content plan.

    How to create a content plan

    Content planning isn’t that hard and shouldn’t take long to put together. It’s really just about finding and prioritizing topics that make sense for your strategy, then scheduling and assigning them.

    Let’s go through the process.

    1. Make sure you have a clear content strategy

    Have you ever tried to cook something new without a recipe? Then you’ll know that although it can be fun, results vary. The same happens if you try to create a content plan without a content strategy.

    But what is a content strategy, anyway?

    In simple terms, it’s a document explaining why you’re creating content, who it’s for, what type of content you’ll create, and where you’ll publish it.

    Here’s an example for Ahrefs:

    Why am I creating content?To influence our audience’s buying decisions by showcasing how Ahrefs helps to solve their problems.
    Who am I creating content for?People who want to drive more search traffic to their websites (business owners, affiliate marketers, e-commerce stores, etc.).
    Where will I publish content?The Ahrefs Blog (because my audience uses Google to search for information).
    What type of content will I create?Blog posts.

    Note how simple this is. There are no “SMART” goals or other jargon. It’s just a few simple answers to a few simple questions.

    If you haven’t created yours yet, read our guide to creating a content marketing strategy.

    2. Find topicideas

    Most people do this by looking at what’s popular on their chosen platform or channel.

    For example, if you’re creating videos for TikTok or YouTube, you may search for a topic there and look at what’s getting views.

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (4)

    The problem with this approach is that popular content might not have earned its views organically. They might have come fromads.

    For that reason, I recommend doing Google keyword research instead—even if you’re creating content for TikTok or YouTube. This is because people tend to search for similar things across platforms, and keyword tools for Google have the most accurate data.

    Here’s how to get started:

    1. Go to Ahrefs’ Site Explorer
    2. Enter the domain of a popular industry blog
    3. Go to the Top pages report

    Here, you’ll see which posts get the most traffic on popular industry blogs and the keywords driving the most traffic tothem:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (5)

    For example, the top post on Hey Grill, Hey is about Texas-style smoked brisket. As you can tell from the URL and “Top Keyword” column, it gets most of its 60,000+ estimated monthly visits from the keyword “smoked brisket.”

    If you notice trends here, you can use them as “seed” keywords in a keyword research tool to find more similar topics.

    Here’s how:

    1. Go to Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer
    2. Enter a common “seed” keyword
    3. Go to the Matching terms report
    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (6)

    For example, many of the top posts on Hey Grill, Hey are “smoked” recipes. If we use “smoked” as our “seed” keyword as we did above, we see thousands of other popular topics that we could create content about.

    3. Identify the best topics

    The best topics are those with the highest traffic and business potential. If you’re creating content to rank in Google search, there are a couple of other metrics you’ll want to take into account too.

    Let’s go through them.

    Traffic potential

    Traffic potential is how much traffic a topic can potentially attract foryou.

    If you’re creating content for SEO, you can use the Traffic Potential (TP) metric in Keywords Explorer for this. It shows the top-ranking page’s estimated monthly organic traffic, which is usually a good proxy for a topic’s TP.

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (7)


    You will also see search volume in Keywords Explorer. However, Traffic Potential tends to be a more reliable estimate of how much traffic you’ll get by ranking #1.

    Search intent

    If you’re creating content for Google search, you need to make sure searchers are actually looking for the kind of content you want to create. You can use the current top-ranking results as a proxy forthis.

    For example, people searching for “smoked brisket” clearly want recipes and how-tos because that’s what all the top results are:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (8)

    But people searching for “wagyu brisket” are clearly looking to buy meat because all of the top results are from e-commerce pages.

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (9)

    If your content strategy is to create blog posts for organic search, “smoked brisket” may be a good keyword to target with content. “Wagyu brisket” likely won’tbe.

    Business potential

    Business potential is how easy it is to “sell” your product or service in the content. If it’s easy to pitch your business, the score is high. If it’s near-impossible to do so, the score islow.

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (10)

    For example, if you run a meat delivery service, “best meats to smoke” has a high business potential score because it’s easy to pitch your product. People are ready to buy; you just need to recommend the best solution.

    If you sell BBQs, on the other hand, that same topic has a low business potential score because searchers probably already have their equipment. There’s no useful way to pitch your product.

    The crucial point here is that business potential is relative. It depends on your business.

    Keyword difficulty

    Keyword difficulty is a measure of how hard it would be to rank for atopic.

    Many factors can affect this, like backlinks, content quality, and website authority, so it can be tricky to figure out. However, the Keyword Difficulty (KD) score in Ahrefs is a good place to start. This is because the higher this number, the more backlinks you’ll likely need to rank on the firstpage.

    For example, “smoked turkey” would be quite hard to rank for with a KD score of45:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (11)

    But “smoked chicken legs” would be easy with a KD score of9:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (12)

    Looking for a more accurate estimate? Learn about other factors you may want to consider in our “keyword difficulty” guide.

    4. Prioritize topics

    Every good content plan needs prioritization because it’s impossible to write every piece of content at once. You need to pick your battles.

    People love to overcomplicate this, but all you really need is a similar color-coded spreadsheet.

    Here’s an example:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (13)

    Basically, all we did was add topics that passed our search intent criteria, along with their Traffic Potential (TP), Keyword Difficulty (KD), and business potential (BP) scores. We then color-coded all the scores (greener = better).

    To prioritize, we just eyeball the sheet for the “greenest” rows when choosing topics.

    Here’s a goodone:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (14)

    Yes, the KD score may be on the high side (which isn’t ideal), but the high TP and BP make up forit.

    Here’s a not-so-good one:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (15)

    This is mostly red because it has low TP, low BP, and highKD.

    The beauty of this sheet is that it works for all content goals and priorities.

    For example, if your priority is to build brand awareness, just pay more attention to the TP column than the BP column.

    Here’s a topic that works great for attracting our audience of SEOs and marketers (high TP) but not so well for selling our product (lowBP):

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (16)

    On the other hand, if your priority is to improve customer retention, you can focus on topics with high business value. A good example for us is “low competition keywords.” Its TP is quite low, but it has a high BP score because you need Ahrefs to findthem.

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (17)

    Got similar topics? Consider clustering and prioritizing them

    If you spot similar topics with potential while reviewing ideas, it may make sense to group them and work on them all together. This is what I did with these topics:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (18)

    5. Schedule topics on your content calendar

    A content calendar is just a schedule of what you’ll publish andwhen.

    Here’s an example of our oldone:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (19)

    Building one is easy enough. Just pick some topics from your spreadsheet and add them to your project management software or a Google Calendar.

    6. Assign topics to writers

    It’s finally time to set your plan into action and assign content to creators.

    This is super easy to do. Just assign the topics in your calendar, starting with those with the closest due dates. (There’s not much point in assigning topics months in advance. It’ll just overwhelm your writers.)

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (20)

    You should also give writers instructions for assigning related tasks to keep your content workflow moving.

    For example, our content workflow looks a bit likethis:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (21)

    Because editing, image design, and uploading are handled by other members of our team, writers need instructions for how to assign thesetasks.

    We created a simple Google doc for this. Here’s an excerpt:

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (22)

    Our content plan will fall apart without this, as pieces won’t be ready to publish on their scheduled date.

    Content plan template

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed by everything above, you can use my simple content plan template. It’s free to download, and you can fill it out in minutes.

    What next?

    Having a plan is one thing. Executing it well is another thing entirely. Learn how in our guide to content writing.

    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps (2024)


    How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps? ›

    The six Cs involved are content, citation, communication, context, communications, conclusion. Content refers to the main idea of the source. It is important to know why it was created. In case of analyzing a document one must look at important phrases, sentences to understand the document.

    What are the six steps for creating a content plan? ›

    Now, let's break each step down, as some things are more challenging than they may sound.
    1. Develop a clear content strategy. ...
    2. Create a suitable template. ...
    3. Gather all possible content ideas. ...
    4. Prioritize topics according to your business goals. ...
    5. Assign tasks if needed. ...
    6. Review and iterate regularly.

    How to create a simple content plan? ›

    How to create a content plan
    1. Make sure you have a clear content strategy. Have you ever tried to cook something new without a recipe? ...
    2. Find topic ideas. ...
    3. Identify the best topics. ...
    4. Prioritize topics. ...
    5. Schedule topics on your content calendar. ...
    6. Assign topics to writers.
    Jul 23, 2023

    What are the 7 steps in creating a content strategy? ›

    7 Steps To Develop a Content Marketing Strategy
    1. Determine the Purpose of Your Content Marketing Strategy. ...
    2. Understand Your Audience. ...
    3. Define Key Performance Measures. ...
    4. Examine Your Existing Content. ...
    5. Align Your Content So It Answers Questions. ...
    6. Identify Content Distribution Channels. ...
    7. Develop a Content Calendar.
    Mar 25, 2023

    How do you create a content production plan? ›

    6 Steps for Effective Content Production
    1. Identify your content goals. Setting goals is the foundation of a strong content strategy. ...
    2. Define roles and responsibilities. ...
    3. Pick a content management system. ...
    4. Create a repository of content assets. ...
    5. Outline tasks and steps. ...
    6. Schedule your content tasks.
    Dec 6, 2023

    What are the 6 C's content? ›

    The six Cs involved are content, citation, communication, context, communications, conclusion. Content refers to the main idea of the source. It is important to know why it was created. In case of analyzing a document one must look at important phrases, sentences to understand the document.

    What are the 6 steps in the planning process? ›

    The six steps are:
    • Step 1 - Identifying problems and opportunities.
    • Step 2 - Inventorying and forecasting conditions.
    • Step 3 - Formulating alternative plans.
    • Step 4 - Evaluating alternative plans.
    • Step 5 - Comparing alternative plans.
    • Step 6 - Selecting a plan.

    How to create content for dummies? ›

    Content creation spans the following process:
    1. Researching what to create.
    2. Generating content ideas from research results.
    3. Developing content ideas into valuable content pieces that appeal to the target audience.
    4. Distributing content pieces to the proper channels.
    5. Promoting developed content pieces to the right audience.
    Jun 14, 2023

    How do I start content creation for beginners? ›

    10-Step Content Creation Strategy
    1. Define your target audience. Who are you developing content for? ...
    2. Set your goals. ...
    3. Understand content limitations. ...
    4. Create high-quality and engaging content. ...
    5. Determine which platforms work best. ...
    6. Build a content library. ...
    7. Develop a content schedule. ...
    8. Optimize content for each social media platform.
    Jun 16, 2024

    How do you write content step by step? ›

    Effective Content Writing
    1. Write a Head-Turning Headline. The headline determines whether audiences will read the rest of your work. ...
    2. Create a Hook That Grabs Their Attention. ...
    3. Do Your Research. ...
    4. Focus on a Single Purpose. ...
    5. Write in a Unique Voice. ...
    6. Optimize Digital Content. ...
    7. Edit Your Work.

    What are the 6 steps of strategy formulation? ›

    When formulating a strategy, consider the following steps:
    • Develop a strategic mission. ...
    • Establish organizational goals. ...
    • Create departmental plans. ...
    • Conduct a performance analysis. ...
    • Implement a plan of action. ...
    • Revise your strategy as needed.
    Feb 3, 2023

    What are the 7 C's of content marketing? ›

    We can remember them as the 7 C's of digital marketing: Customer, Content, Community, Context, Convenience, Cohesion, and Conversion. These seven things help marketers make and improve their digital marketing plans.

    What is a content roadmap? ›

    A content strategy roadmap is a carefully executed plan for reaching your content marketing goals. It's a big-picture strategy document that breaks up content planning according to each stage of the marketing funnel (awareness, consideration and decision), and helps you track progress along the way.

    What is a content plan? ›

    Content planning involves deciding what to post and when to post it. Social media content planning helps you to achieve goals like increased visibility, engagement, or brand awareness. Well-planned social media content is: Created in batches to optimize efficiency.

    How do you create a content structure? ›

    Here are eight content structure tips that will be useful to site owners with tight budgets and those who can afford significant investment into their content.
    1. Break Down Walls of Text. ...
    2. Separate Your Sales Message from Your Content. ...
    3. Answer the Main Question Early. ...
    4. Don't Always Force Your Visitors to Read. ...
    5. Enable Skimming.
    May 2, 2023

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    Author: Stevie Stamm

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    Views: 6025

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    Author information

    Name: Stevie Stamm

    Birthday: 1996-06-22

    Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

    Phone: +342332224300

    Job: Future Advertising Analyst

    Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

    Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.