Electric car insurance | AA Insurance (2024)


Electric car insurance | AA Insurance (1)

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    Switch on to electric cover

    Comprehensive cover includes plug-in hybrids and electric cars as standard

    Get a quote

    Electric car insurance | AA Insurance (2)

    Electric car insurance | AA Insurance (3)

    Cover for all your charging parts, including battery and cables

    Electric car insurance | AA Insurance (4)

    Get peace of mind with Defaqto 5 Star rated car insurance

    Electric car insurance | AA Insurance (5)

    Keep your no claim discount and pay no excess if an uninsured driver hits your car and it's not your fault

    Insurance for your electric vehicle

    • The battery – whether owned or leased – is covered for accidental damage, fire and theft.
    • Charging cables, charger and adaptors belonging to you are covered for accidental damage, fire and theft while in the car, in use at a garage or at home.
    • Liability cover in case someone trips over the charging cable outside your property.

      And if you have AA breakdown membership, a patrol will take your car to the nearest charging point if the battery runs out.

    Get a quote

    Electric car insurance | AA Insurance (6)

    Why get electric car insurance with us?

    • Our standard comprhensive car insurance has a 5 Star Rating fromDefaqto, their highest rating, so you can be sure of a comprehensive level of features and benefits.

    • The claims line is open 24/7 at our UK contact centre, so there's always someone ready to help you.

    • Stay on the move after an accident – you can have a courtesy car while yours is being repaired.¹ And if it's not your fault, AA Accident Assist can provide the same electric vehicle model as yours, subject to availability.

    • With our Uninsured Driver Promise, you'll keep your no claim discount and pay no excess if an uninsured driver hits your car and it's not your fault.

    • Personal belongings are protected too, with up to £250 cover for things like your handbag, mobile phone or wallet – or up to £500 if you’re a Member.

    Increase your cover with optional extras

    Motor legal assistance

    Avoid being left out-of-pocket following a claim where the other party is clearly to blame. Get legal assistance to seek the recovery of uninsured losses from the party at fault, such as:

    • Car insurance policy excess
    • Alternative transport costs
    • Loss of earnings
    • Compensation for a personal injury

    We'll provide cover where it is more likely than not your claim will be successful.

    You also get:

    • 24/7 legal helpline for advice on legal matters
    • Following a car accident, 2 hours tuition with an AA driving instructor to help regain your confidence
    • A range of motoring related online legal documents, like making a formal complaint to a garage about poor quality workmanship

    More information and policy documents

    Car hire

    Need to stay mobile if your car's written off, or stolen and not recovered? Car Hire provides a replacement vehicle for up to 21 days. Here's what you get:

    • Hire vehicle provided by a national car hire network.
    • The vehicle will be similar in size to your own car, up to a 2.0 litre engine.
    • No limit on claims.

    Named drivers on your policy with a full UK driving licence can also use the vehicle.

    More information and policy documents

    Excess protection

    Claim back your policy excess on a claim where you're at fault, or the other party involved can't be identified. You can get your excess back on a claim for:

    • Accidental damage
    • Malicious damage
    • Theft or attempted theft
    • Fire

    More information and policy documents

    Motor accident plan

    Motor Accident Plan significantly improves on the personal injury cover included in our comprehensive policy.

    By including Motor Accident Plan on your policy you can get the following extra benefits following a car accident:

    • Up to an additional £100,000 on top of any payment provided by your AA Car Insurance policy, or any other personal accident and life insurance cover (up to £60,000 for named drivers).
    • Cover for a wider range of injuries including fractures, burns and facial scarring.
    • Up to £750 cover for physiotherapy sessions for injuries, including whiplash.
    • Up to £250 cover for stress or trauma counselling.
    • £60 payment for spending between 6 and 24 hours in hospital, then for every day thereafter (£40 for named drivers). The same daily payment applies if an injury prevents you from working or carrying out usual activities, for up to 180 days.

    See how Motor Accident Plan compares with personal injury cover

    More information and policy documents

    Breakdown cover

    Would you need help if your car breaks down? The Roadside level of cover provides:

    • 24/7 assistance if your vehicle breaks down over 1/4 mile from your home.

    Whatever the weather, our expert patrols usually get to you in less than an hour, and typically get you back on the road after 30 minutes of arrival.

    You can also add National Recovery just in case we can't repair your vehicle:

    • We'll take you, up to 7 passengers and the vehicle to any UK mainland destination.

    So if we can’t complete repairs at the roadside, you can choose to be taken home, to your driving destination or your local garage, regardless of how far this may be.

    The Breakdown Cover service is limited to 1 call-out during the insurance policy year.

    More information and policy documents

    FAQs about electric vehicles

    How do electric cars work?

    Electric cars or vehicles – EVs – use a rechargeable battery to provide power, rather than petrol or diesel fuel. To keep your car topped up you plug it into a charging point at home or at a public charging station.

    Is it cheaper to insure an electric car?

    Insurers consider many factors when working out your electric car insurance premium.

    Personal circ*mstances such as your age, occupation, driving experience, claims history and how you intend to use the vehicle are taken into account.

    The type of vehicle is also a factor, including the cost and availability of spare parts for any repairs.

    How much does it cost to recharge an EV?

    The cost of fully charging your electric vehicle depends on its battery size.

    Recharging your car at a public charging station may require payment, depending on the provider and the type of charger. Rapid charging usually costs more than fast charging.

    Usually, most people will charge at home and pay their energy supplier.

    What happens if my electric car runs out of power?

    AA breakdown cover provides roadside assistance for electric and hybrid vehicles as standard, with no extra to pay.

    If your electric car battery runs out and you have AA breakdown membership, a patrol will tow you to a charging point or your destination – whichever is nearer.

    Are electric vehicles tax free?

    Completely electric vehicles are exempt from vehicle tax, while plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) pay a low rate due to their reduced emissions.

    What is the life of an electric car?

    The life of the vehicle will depend on its battery size, motor and usage, but many are guaranteed by the manufacturer for as much as 100,000 miles or 8 years.

    Good to know

    ¹ Comprehensive cover provides a courtesy car while your car is being repaired at an approved garage.

    Our standard comprehensive car insurance has been given a 5 Star Rating from Defaqto. Defaqto is one of the UK’s most trusted sources of financial product and market intelligence, supporting financial institutions, intermediaries and consumers to make smarter financial decisions.

    The underwriter of your car insurance policy will be provided from our panel of insurers.

    AA Car Insurance is arranged by Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited. Registered office: Fanum House, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4EA. Registered in England and Wales number 2414212.

    Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Financial Services Register number 310562.

    Car insurance

    0330 053 0228

    Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm, Saturday 9am to 5pm.

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  • Electric car insurance | AA Insurance (2024)
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    Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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    Views: 5492

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    Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Pres. Carey Rath

    Birthday: 1997-03-06

    Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

    Phone: +18682428114917

    Job: National Technology Representative

    Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

    Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.