Declarative macOS Configuration Using nix-darwin And home-manager (2024)

Released On: 2022-07-03 00:00Z

Last Updated On: 2023-07-28 01:07+02:00

A 10 minute read.

Last december, I bought myself an 14” M1 Pro MacBook Pro after being a linux user for eight years (the last few using NixOS on all my computers/servers and even my router).

Coming from NixOS, I wanted to replicate the godly feeling of declaratively configuring the entire system in every last detail with nix flakes on macOS.

nix-darwin and home-manager are the tools to archive exactly that.


If I didn’t knew nix-darwin existed when I needed a new laptop, I would’ve bought myself a framework.

Why should anybody want to do that

  • Reproducibility
    • My entire configuration is a git repository, on a new computer I just have to darwin-rebuild to get my it just as I like it.
  • Reusability
    • I can just import my shell/editor/tmux configuration into both my laptop and my servers. Everything feels just like it should
  • The ability to know what I have installed:
    • No 1000 forgotten packages filling up precious storage space

Explanation of the nix ecosystem


Nix is a declarative functional programming language created as part of and for the Nix package manager.

In Nix, packages are defined as so called derivations.A derivation is a function with package dependencies and package configuration as its inputs, and a plan on how to build that package as its output.


package configuration in the sense of “do you want to build vlc with chromecast support?” (similar to gentoo USE flags)

Nix will evaluate that function and build it’s output. The output will then be stored in the path /nix/store/${sha256 of the derivation}-${package name}

In nixpkgs, the central repository for:

  • most packages
  • a library full of helper functions that make writing nix much more enjoyable
  • and NixOS,

there are helper functions to easily build such a derivation for most programming languages.


As the naming of nix/nixpkgs can get confusing:

there are: nix (Programming Language), nix (Package manager), nixpkgs (Package Repository), NixOS (Linux Distribution)

nix (Programming language) ≠ nix (Package manager). nix (Package Manager) is the only implementation of nix (Programming Language) though.

nixpkgs ≠ NixOS, but NixOS ⊂ nixpkgs

nixpkgs ≠ nix

nix flakes ∈ nix ∧ nix flakes ∉ nixpkgs

A simple derivation is the following:

{  stdenv, gcc, ...}:stdenv.mkDerivation { # stdenv.mkDerivation is a nixpkgs helper function name = "hello-1.0.0"; # Package name # source files for the package # (can also be a git repository, a flake input, ...) src = ./src; # inputs the builder needs to have # (we actually don't have to specify gcc, as a C compiler is part of the stdenv) nativeBuildInputs = [ gcc ]; # tells nix to run gcc buildPhase = ''    gcc hello.c -o ./hello  ''; # tells nix to copy the binary to the right path installPhase = ''    # $out is the output path    mkdir -p "$out/bin"    cp ./hello "$out/bin/"  '';}

In the above file, we define a function with the attribute set (an attribute set is basically an object) { stdenv, gcc, ... } as it’s argument and stdenv.mkDerivation {...} as it’s output.

Our function will then evaluate the function stdenv.mkDerivation with the attribute set after it. mkDerivation creates a derivation out of the attribute set, and nix will build it.


the three dots in {stdenv, gcc, ...} mean, that we’ll also accept an attribute set with more attributes, those will then be ignored.

nix flakes

Normally nix uses so called channels to declare what version of nixpkgs you’re running.

This is state external to your own package though, and it means you always have to look at multiple places to reproduce your exact configuration somewhere else.

To solve this problem, tools like niv and nix-flakes were created.


We’ll use nix-flakes here, as it’s part of nix itself

nix-flake is an experimental feature though, so be warned

A nix flake consists of two files:


The file where all external inputs and all outputs of your flake are defined.For example, for a simple C program, your only input will be nixpkgs (as stdenv.mkDerivation and a C compiler are inside there), and your only output will be the derivation of your program.


A JSON managed by nix itself, where the exact git hash of each of your inputs will be stored. Pretty comparable to how a package.lock works on npm.

A sample flake building our little C program would look like this:

{ description = "My first nix flake"; inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.05"; outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: { # function with our inputs packages.default.aarch64-darwin = let pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "aarch64-darwin"; }; # gets ourself an instance of nixpkgs in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "hello"; src = ./src; # the stdenv C compiler is at $CC (it's gcc on linux and clang on mac) buildPhase = "$CC -o hello ./hello.c"; installPhase = "mkdir -p $out/bin; install -t $out/bin hello"; }; };}

To build our flake, run nix build .


. means the flake at your CWD

Important note: if your flake is inside a git repository, nix will ignore uncommited files


NixOS is a complete linux distribution based on nix.

Instead of installing and configuring packages by hand, the complete system configuration is a function with the nixpkgs and your configuration as their inputs and a script to set the new system state (the activation script) as it’s output. (the output is more complicated then just the activation script, but we’ll ignore that for this post)


It dosen’t have to be just the activation script though, you can also tell nix to create a iso/img/qcow2/ami of your configuration

This makes NixOS (almost) completely reproducible.


to get all of your applications/configuration onto a new computer you just have to run nixos-rebuild on it and you’re done (except copying over any data, but you get the point)

It also allows you to rollback to your last configuration if anything goes wrong.


nix-darwin ported the concept (and much of the code) of NixOS to macOS, so you can configure most of your mac with nix.


home-manager is similar to nix-darwin, but it “just” manages programs/configuration inside your users home directory.It is (mostly) cross compatible between NixOS, other linux distributions and macOS.

some setup

Before doing any of this, please make sure you have a backup!!!

nix has to be installed to use any of this, so please follow the instructions here to install nix.

mac configuration

We’ll need a flake to put all our configuration into. So create a new git repository somewhere and run nix flake init in there.

To use nix-darwin and home-manager we first have to add their respective inputs and add them to the arguments of our output function.

{ description = "My first nix flake"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-23.05-darwin"; # newest version as of may 2023, probably needs to get updated in november home-manager.url = "github:nix-community/home-manager/release-23.05"; # ... home-manager.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; # nix will normally use the nixpkgs defined in home-managers inputs, we only want one copy of nixpkgs though darwin.url = "github:lnl7/nix-darwin"; darwin.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; # ... };  # add the inputs declared above to the argument attribute set outputs = { self, nixpkgs, home-manager, darwin }: { # we want `nix-darwin` and not gnu hello, so the packages stuff can go };}

To actually have a nix-darwin configuration, we’ll need a darwinConfiguration output.

So let’s add one

outputs = { self, nixpkgs, home-manager, darwin }: { darwinConfigurations."YourHostName" = darwin.lib.darwinSystem { # you can have multiple darwinConfigurations per flake, one per hostname system = "aarch64-darwin"; # "x86_64-darwin" if you're using a pre M1 mac modules = [ ./hosts/YourHostName/default.nix ]; # will be important later };};

I like to have a folder for each computer inside of the flake for system specific configuration.So let’s mkdir -p hosts/YourHostName and create a default.nix there.

# hosts/YourHostName/default.nix{ pkgs, ... }:{ # Make sure the nix daemon always runs services.nix-daemon.enable = true; # Installs a version of nix, that dosen't need "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" in /etc/nix/nix.conf services.nix-daemon.package = pkgs.nixFlakes;  # if you use zsh (the default on new macOS installations), # you'll need to enable this so nix-darwin creates a zshrc sourcing needed environment changes programs.zsh.enable = true; # bash is enabled by default}

If you used NixOS before, this file is like a NixOS configuration.nix, just with fewer and partly different options.


You can find all options in the documentation

A few options I want to make sure everybody using nix-darwin knows of are homebrew and system.defaults.


The homebrew module lets you install software from declaratively, which makes it much less a chore to deal with.

Using nix and something like homebrew or macports together it kinda required IMO, because most GUI applications for mac aren’t inside nixpkgs (as nixpkgs can’t legally ship Xcode, which is needed for mac native GUI stuff)


The module just runs a system installed brew inside the activation script (meaning you’ll have to install homebrew beforehand)

So if you want to install your favorite casks, you can just

# hosts/YourHostName/default.nix - inside the returning attribute sethomebrew = { enable = true; autoUpdate = true; # updates homebrew packages on activation, # can make darwin-rebuild much slower (otherwise i'd forget to do it ever though) casks = [ "hammerspoon" "amethyst" "alfred" "logseq" "discord" "iina" ];};

inside your host configuration


The system.defaults module allows you to set macOS settings.(defaults(1) is the macOS/NeXTStep central user configuration system, like GNOME dconf or the Windows Registry)

For example you can set system.defaults.dock.autohide = true; to autohide the dock.


All supported options are ofc. listed inside the options documentation


I wanted to use nix-darwin together with home-manager, so I can code-share between my servers and my laptop.You don’t have to do this though.If your only computer is your mac, just use nix-darwin by itself.

To use it, we’ll have to add the home-manager module to our darwinConfiguration

# flake.nix{ # ... outputs = { self, nixpkgs, home-manager, darwin }: { # Deleted the `packages` and `defaultPackage` outputs, as they aren't needed  darwinConfiguration."YourHostName" = darwin.lib.darwinSystem { system = "aarch64-darwin"; # "x86_64-darwin" if you're using a pre M1 mac modules = [ home-manager.darwinModules.home-manager ./hosts/YourHostName/default.nix ]; # will be important later }; };}

Now we can use home-manager in our system configuration, just like on NixOS

# hosts/YourHostName/default.nix - inside the returning attribute sethome-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;home-manager.useUserPackages = true;home-manager.users.YourUserName = { pkgs, ... }: { stateVersion = "23.05"; # read below programs.tmux = { # my tmux configuration, for example enable = true; keyMode = "vi"; clock24 = true; historyLimit = 10000; plugins = with pkgs.tmuxPlugins; [ vim-tmux-navigator gruvbox ]; extraConfig = ''      new-session -s main      bind-key -n C-a send-prefix    ''; };};

The stateVersion attribute is described here


All the home-manager options are listed in their documentation

home-manager services only work on linux though (as they use systemd, which is a linux only thing)


To install our newly created nix-darwin configuration, we have to first build it, and then run darwin-rebuild from there.


There is also a nix-darwin installer. It dosen’t work with flakes though.

# builds the darwinConfiguration.# after insalling nix-darwin, we won't need to specify extra-experimental-features anymorenix build .#darwinConfigurations.YourHostName.system --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes"# the plan is to now run this to install nix-darwin with our configuration# ./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch --flake . # this will fail as we first have to do the following linesprintf 'run\tprivate/var/run\n' | sudo tee -a /etc/synthetic.conf # read below/System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs.util -t # read below# now we can finally darwin-rebuild./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch --flake . # install nix-darwin


macOS dosen’t allow any software to write to /.Instead you can write directory names or symlinks to /etc/synthetic.conf.

macOS will then create those files/symlinks on boot. (rebooting is boring, so we’ll just run apfs.util -t to create them immediately)

nix itself has just “nix” inside /etc/synthetic.conf (an empty folder at /nix), it’ll then mount an apfs volume containing your nix store above it.

nix-darwin needs a symlink from /run to /private/var/run to function, that’s whats added in the printf|tee line

Your shell needs to source an rc file from nix-darwin to set up your environment variables. /etc/static/zshrc for zsh and /etc/static/bashrc for bash.

that’s what the programs.zsh.enable was for

so run

echo 'if test -e /etc/static/bashrc; then . /etc/static/bashrc; fi' | sudo tee -a /etc/bashrc

on bash and

echo 'if test -e /etc/static/zshrc; then . /etc/static/zshrc; fi' | sudo tee -a /etc/zshrc

on zsh.You may have to rerun this on macOS updates.

If you make changes to your configuration, you just have to commit them and run darwin-rebuild switch --flake . inside the repo.


nixpkgs and home-manager release new (stable) versions twice a year, currently in May and November. that’s what the 23.05 in flake inputes is for.

To update or install a newer version you have to increase the version number, do nix flake update and darwin-rebuild

Doing an occasional nix flake update is wise

I hope this post will guide some of you to the god complex.

When I find the time, I’ll try guiding you to manage multiple systems in a single flake.

You can find all the code of this post here.

And my NixOS/nix-darwin configurations here

Declarative macOS Configuration Using nix-darwin And home-manager (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.